The moon and mercury in Virgo. It might feel like your scrubbing away & clearing out old things to get in order. If not this is the time. Take care of your temple inside, outside, and around you. Peep & strategize zooming in on all levels. Virgo season (if you’ve done the work) will bring breakthroughs if not then time for some fall cleaning on all that has clustered your mind, spirit, body, & surroundings. Be careful with your criticism of self and others. Most times what aggravates us are the reflections of our unhealed selves in others. As my friend said today, “do not serve without being served in return”, or resentment can grow. Apply that where you will. Equal exchange will forever be the goal.
Let it go is the theme for the week. Do the deep cleaning, the detox, and rid yourself all the residue of the past. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. Free your chest from heaviness you’ve had from years before, don’t let them pay rent on that Purple Heart of yours. Love loudly and give in moderation. Go head and free yourself, regain that balance so you can step with confidence into your next chapter. Celebrate these few days of Leo Season left.
Your season is almost here. Happy Birthday in advance! You are the head Virgo in charge of your life, stick with your boundaries and all you have asked for. Don’t waiver. Joy is coming. It’s been a long road and your blessings will be gifted. Have authority of your life desires. Choose wisely and let your community pour into you. The rain is drying up in this heavy cloud. Go get what’s yours. Claim it & make space for it. Align with the universe for it. Make sure to receive as much or more than you give. Believe that you are worthy.
What’s going on Libra? I recommend thay you Recommit to yourself Libra. You may feel spread thin. I kept getting too many people trying to decide your life. Your self autonomy is yours. If you can’t be equal sides of your scales where you are and/or with whom you are with – Go on a solo adventure or leave that overbearing environment behind, even if it’s for a day. Regroup. Takers will take, it’s up to you how much you’ll give. May never be out of the expense of yourself. It’s your life run it. Don’t let it run you. The sun will be on the other side if only you take the plunge.
It may be feeling like when it rains it pours. Trust and believe the rain is here to water all the seeds you have planted, including yourself. What you can’t discern right now may be revealed to you in the next full moon. If you haven’t done your new moon intentions you have until Friday the 21st. Joy, healing, and all you deserve will come. You created the good karma for this. Stand in faith of better days ahead. Let your subconscious be guided by the universe and your higher self.
Have you forgotten how abundant you are? You make it happen every.single.time. Don’t let what you don’t know, stop you from making your goals. You are a major manifester. Your ability for optimism and GO getting is what has gotten you this far. Don’t let tunnel vision or someone else be the authority on where you’re going, connect your heart and mind. Just because someone doesn’t want to see you win, doesn’t mean you can’t.
I heard “I’ve been getting to the money everybody mad.” You may be getting raises and accolades and opportunities. Don’t forget to love on and get loved on by those cheering you on. Take a moment and check in with yourself and your loved ones. It may be you’ve had your eye on the prize but forgot you, too, are the prize. Don’t neglect yourself and those around you. Being poured into will increase your frequency to get back into the hustle.
You may be juggling a lot. There are many moving parts but know that you got this. The job will come, the abundance will arrive just in time. You are capable of great things. Don’t let all the shiny opportunities distract you from your main focus. Do you know where you’re headed. If you’re mind feels jumbled, create an action plan. Take a moment to pan out your ideas before you execute, to give you a clear view. It’s already yours, find your way.
The healing will actually be felt, experienced, and seen. It’s time you embark on this journey. There’s been some major hardships and heartaches but this is a part of a brand new chapter for you. Give yourself time to expand your ethereal wings. Although you may feel isolated, go, knowing that you are being guided along this path. Break the chains of living small. Only you can choose to fly. So will you?
Clarity, sharp thinking, and intuition or guiding you into this new chapter. It may feel bleak but believe it when I say the Refreshing change of scenery is almost here. What a year it’s been. The work will pay off. Take some time to alternate between making your reality with also letting it happen and going still. Joy and relief is around the corner, hang in there.
You’re officially too legit to quit. Letting go of lack-based thinking is allowing you to cultivate your harvest. Keep working, use that bull energy to persist. You are abundant and operating at that frequency leads to abundance of finding you. Wear a little green when you don’t feel at your highest. Don’t give up.
This Virgo energy might highlight some of your best qualities. You are making magic. Let the small blessings feel you. Be about your bag. Make the decision and let it play out. Know that you can always pivot. Let your inner peace in knowing guide you into the right spaces. Fear-based decisions don’t suit your majesty. Surrender and let the universe hear you loud and clear. I got really warm vibes maybe sunbathing in the morning will add to it.
I don’t know if you’ve been over pouring but as Virgo season comes in a decision must be made. Will you serve until you stunt your own transformation or will you seek more balanced environments, opportunities, and experiences? When you choose yourself not everyone will be pleased but your joy is replenishing. Take some time to yourself. Those who respect your boundaries are your people. Respect your own boundaries first and eventually everyone worth staying will follow. Growth is an ongoing journey. Let equilibrium and order be restored while letting the chips fall where they may. Get in formation. This is your world What will you do with it?
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